My first blog, Publish or Perish at remains the place where I write my long form posts. Most of them are business related. It's on Wordpress.
Next, I started Ed Sussman Quicklinks located at , a place to quickly post links of interest, about me, by me or just interesting to me. Also on Wordpress.
Prompted by I created a profile to aggregate my bio, my most important links and the latest from my social streams. It's supposed to be a great SEO pull. It's ts and I've been promoting it heavily.
I started taking a lot of photos at the same time I was trying out Googke's Blogger platform for the first time in years. So I created Ed Sussman's Photo Blog (this one) at
There really wasn't any great use for it, but just to try out the Blogger tool a bit more, I started , which is Ed Sussman Media Links.
I explained this once before in a blog posts here, then deleted it because it didn't fit the format of my photo blog very well. But that banished the blog from my Google search results, so I'm recreating it here.
Along with a photo of me. '
Ed Sussman, 2013 |